A Web Developers Book Of Secrets

A Web Developers Book Of Secrets

As I have been growing as a developer something major has occurred to me. It is not about how much you know that makes you a great web developer but more of what you have experienced being one. For example, if you have a task at hand that requires you to do something...

Basic CSS Template For Page Breaks

Below is just a template for some basic breaks for responsive web development. I find that tossing this into my style sheet is a huge help, and that is why I wanted to put it up. I will be updating this from time to time just for any updates I run across. I have to...
Arrow Functions Are Not Always Needed

Arrow Functions Are Not Always Needed

I wanted to start off my first post of 2020 with a personal concept that I have seen recently and that is although JavaScript is ever evolving and fun new ways of getting the job done get people excited. This does not mean it is the only way in my opinion and why I am...
Track Calls With Google Tag Manager For CRO

Track Calls With Google Tag Manager For CRO

SEO TIP: Using the Google Tag Manager to track mobile calls for a site personally is a great way to track CRO that you are doing for a client. Why track calls with google tag manager Using Google Analytics to the fullest potential can really let you see how people are...
Learn To Code With Freecodecamp

Learn To Code With Freecodecamp

I wanted to give a shoutout as a life long learner to freeCodeCamp.org. Before I start I want to make sure that any reader knows I have a Bachelors’s degree in CS, have been working as a front-end developer (engineer) whatever for over 6 years, and have also...